We love supporting our community, through the amazing organizations, run by incredible people.

One of the most amazing aspects of running a business is to be able to give back to our communities. Throughout the years Bumstead Trucking has been fortunate enough to able to support our community from funding to sponsorships. We love being able to see our friends and family benefit from these organizations as they help strengthen the community. Below are a few of the many groups that we have helped out over the years.


Care Close to Home has raised over $5 Million

All funds raised go directly to our local hospital to purchase necessary equipment and maintain quality, patient-centered care close to home.


In Memory of Alexa, AC15 has raised over $12k

Every year, a memorial hockey tournament for women is organized to help raise funds, that are then put back into our community.

 Spread the Love!

Below are just a few of the incredible community organizations that we support.

If you have a sponsorship idea we would love to hear from you.
Click the button below to send us a message.